For 35 years until 2017 I taught piano in Hamburg with great success. That has always been a passion.
From beginners to college students, I have always strived to enable students to make as much progress as possible in as short a time as possible.
This is the greatest motivation for the student!
I have been able to help countless young pianists to significantly improve their piano playing.
Dozens of students have won PRIZES at national competitions, at the international Steinway Competition, Tchaikovsky Jeunesse Competition, (Moscow); Liszt competition (Budapest); 1st prize in Forum international Pedagogigue e Musique, (Paris), 1st prize in 3rd Concurs de Piano, (Andorra), at the Münster Classic Prize, Grotrian Steinway and Bechstein competitions. Students received Scholarships from the German Foundation Music Life , the Kauffmann Foundation of the Hamburg Conservatory and the Oscar and Vera Ritter Foundation.
I also taught at the KAMMERMUSIK INITIATIVE in Hamburg, various ensembles winning 1st and 2nd prizes in the national Jugend Musiziert competition.
PROMINENT HAMBURG MUSICIANS entrusted me with the tuition of their children, eg:
- Simone Young, General Music Director of the State Opera,
- Christoph Liebensseutter, director of the Elbphilharmonie,
- Roland Greutter, concertmaster of the NDR radio orchestra.
PIANO TECHNIQUE has always fascinated me. I have attended courses with at least 30 renowned teachers and musicians…from Pollini to Feuchtwanger, from Badura-Skoda to Naumov.
I have also had the opportunity to discuss piano technique with many pianists, including MARTHA ARGERICH and MURRAY PERAHIA.
Above all, I have learned from PROF. KARL HEINZ KÄMMERLING, the great German star pedagogue.
I followed his teaching and courses for many years, had countless didactical discussions with him, my own son studied with him. Prof. Kämmerling knew my students and praised my work. He passed on students to me whom he could not teach himself due to his busy schedule.
Many of my students have chosen music as a career and are teachers and professors at schools and universities.

Competitions and prizes
Dozens of students have won PRIZES at national competitions, the International Steinway Competition, the Tchaikovsky Jeunesse Competition, (Moscow); Liszt Competition (Budapest); 1st prizes at the Forum international Pedagogigue e Musique, (Paris), and 3rd Concurs de Piano, (Andorra); at the Klassikpreis Münster, Grotrian Steinway and Bechstein competitions.
Students were awarded the Brahms Prize and the Audience Prize at the Steinway Competition.
Many students received scholarships from the German Musical Life Foundation, the Kauffmann Foundation of the Hamburg Conservatory and the Oscar and Vera Ritter Foundation.